Monday, July 18, 2016

5 months old already!? ("Catch Up" Series)

Oh my goodness my angel babies!!!  How are we already at 5 months old?

***March 25***

My sweet angel babies... I thank God for your health and allowing you to grow so quickly and learn so much but this momma's heart breaks and aches each day as they learn and discover new things and become a little less of a 'baby'! Wahhhhhh!

This "month marker" is pretty sentimental for multiple reasons but for one in particular.  You'll notice a set of rings on the number marker that my sister makes for us.  The girls turned 5 months old in the month of March which also happens to be our anniversary month.  Last year, on our 5 year anniversary, I revealed to Mike that we were pregnant! :)  I did so by gifting him with a yellow (gender neutral as we did not know we were growing baby girls at that time) onesie that said "Happy 5 Year Anniversary My Love" and as a last minute add-on I had two interlocked hearts placed below the text.  This would be wildly ironic to us when we found out that we were having twins! :) :) :) Once we found out we were having twins, I bought another yellow onesie and, in the same color/font, had "Prayed for One, Blessed With Two" placed on it.  The onesies are now framed and hanging in the nursery.  I absolutely LOVE that we have these sweet reminders that easily take me down memory lane when I glance at them. :) 

Here's to many more anniversaries and many more happy, silly and hectic years filled with our babies laughs and giggles!  And who knows... many more babies, as well? :) :) :) :) :) 

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Flashback... taking a walk with the girls :)

What a trip! LOL  Mike and I went on a walk with the girls and somewhere along the way I looked down and smiled.  It was only a matter of months ago that our walks looked a lot different!  These sweet angel babies where being carried, quite heavily, in my belly and I was moving much slower too :) Haha!  But now... I look down and I'm pushing my beautiful angel babies in a double stroller and they're just "talking" and laughing away! 

Ear Piercing... Much more dramatic for this mama than it was for the girls! ("Catch Up Series")

I am a teacher and what could be more fun than getting two baby girls' ears pierced during Spring Break?.?... Turns out, ANYTHING else! Haha! I knew since before the girls were even born that I wanted to get their ears pierced while they were young babies.  You know, so "they don't feel anything", "they don't remember it hurting" and so "they don't mess with the earrings".  All of these reasons and more are great, in theory.  The funny thing... I will remember the pain and their tears afterwards!  Truth be told when I knew the time was quickly approaching, the girls were over 4 months old by the time we pierced their ears, I got more and more nervous.  I was trying to figure out where to take the girls, what kind of prep I needed to know for before the piercings and then afterwards also.  

Of course I took one last picture of their little ears sans earrings during their early morning nap before we headed to the ENT!

My older sister, Paige, and my mom were able to go with us, thanks to God!  There is NO way that I could have... WOULD have done this by myself!  They definitely did their best to keep ME calm and hold it together! LOL

Sweet little girls are ready to go!  I, on the other hand, was a nervous wreck!  I was nervous for them but also for me!  It really got to me, thinking that this was ME inflicting pain onto them!  


It's go time!  Our ENT, Dr. Hatch, was amazing!  He was great with the girls as far as the piercings, of course, but just personality wise also!  I treated this appointment just like a doctor's appointment that we were expecting shots at.  I brought breast milk in bottles, ready to pop in their mouths immediately after! :)  It worked like a charm, although, the girls did better than any of us expected!  Dr. Hatch was even pleasantly surprised!  The only point at which the girls cried and got upset with was when I had to literally press them tightly to my chest so he could pierce their ears!  As soon as he pierced them and I stopped holding them so tightly... they were fine!  They did not cry the rest of the time or even in the days to come!  They never gave me a hard time while I was cleaning and/or turning the earrings.  What wonderful angel babies!   


There is no way earrings could make my angel babies more precious or more gorgeous but they sure do make their little ears look girly and that's good enough! :)

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Bows, Bows, Bows! ("Catch Up Series")

Bows Bows Bows! (Singing to the tune of "Girls Girls Girls"! LOL)

Mikayla and Audrey have more bows/headbands than outfits to wear them with! :)  I absolutely love that my mom has made them every kind of bow/headband imaginable and has acted like there was nothing to it! 

My precious girls, I love them so! 

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Angel Babies: 4 Months Old ("Catch Up" Series)

Oh I couldn't love you more...
My sweet baby girls have reached month 4!!!

Nothing makes me happier than coming home from work to these sweet girls!  Yes they are a handful and no I don't get any sleep :) LOL but I can't begin to describe how much these angel babies mean to me!

These girls LOVE being outside and I'm absolutely loving the Thule Urban Glide 2 Stroller Mike found for us!  He purchased it from REI for a ridiculously reduced priced and it was never used! 

Continue to grow happily and healthy my little rays of sunshine!!!

Friday, June 10, 2016

Happy Valentine's Day 2016

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Mikayla is sweet and Audrey is too! 

Wishing you much love on Valentine's Day

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Angel Babies: 3 Months Old ("Catch Up" Series)

Happy 3 months my sweet baby girls!!!

This picture captures them beautifully! :) They are both such 'hams' and love being loved on!  They are growing so quickly and their personalities are really beginning to come through.  For now, Mikayla is much more laid-back while Audrey wants to take everything in!  She's always looking around and wants to look, explore and touch everything BUT from the safety of mommy or daddy's arms! LOL

These girls are my heart!  I'm beginning to be comfortable carrying them at the same time! LOL (Please note the Christmas tree in the mirror... it serves as a very large nightlight during the night for the girls and they love the lights, needless to say, it is still up in late January!) :)

Daddy-daughter literacy time! :)  The girls already love being read to and you better believe I have their bookshelves stocked! :) 

Oh my goodness, they are sweet as sugar! :)  Don't let these sleeping babes fool you, they are still not sleeping through the night! Wahhhhh! LOL They are sleeping longer at night but still waking up for the middle-of-the-night feeding.  I honestly tell myself that I will miss these feedings once they're gone :(  I am very aware that I cannot soak them in enough and I am so thankful for our feeding time together!!!