Wednesday, August 12, 2015

27 Weeks

Sweet Angel Babies are 27 Weeks (Tuesday, August 11th)

Size of Babies: Bunch of bananas | Each baby is about 15 in. and about 2.2 lbs :)  

Total Weight Gain: 9-10 lbs

Stretch Marks: NONE... thank you Jesus!  I've been lathering lotions on this belly of mine several times a day; especially out of the shower and before bed! :)  I'm currently using the following: 

Belly Button... Out or In: Out or, depending on the day, flat!  I seem to have a hernia developing right behind my belly button so although I feel no pain or discomfort from it thus far, it can make my belly button very sensitive to the touch every now and then. 

Maternity Clothing: Yes!  Although the only maternity bottoms I've worn are leggings and a couple of pairs of shorts, I'm loving maternity tanks and shirts!  Belly bands are officially part of my wardrobe on days when my belly button is sensitive.  

Sleep: No!  For example, it is currently 2:55am and I have my first day back at work tomorrow from summer break!  Ugh.  Every now and then I will get a great nights' rest, however, more nights than not I am bright eyed and bushy tailed in the wee hours of the morning!  

Best Moments This Past Week: My loving husband surprising me with a last minute, overnight trip to Port Aransas!  We absolutely LOVE the beach!  Just something about sitting on the beach, toes in the sand, sun on your shoulders and only the sound of seagulls and waves to be heard! More pictures and details to come in a later post! :) 

Movement: YES!!!  It's amazing and beautiful!  It's amazing to feel very distinct movement in two separate parts of my body.  It's usually in my ribs and in my lower abdomen.  They are getting bigger and stronger so Mike is able to feel them even more!  These little girls seem to be shy with anyone else though! Haha!  I hope that soon my sisters and parents will be able to feel their kicks and wiggling :) 

Cravings: Ice cold water and fruit!  Although I've always loved fruit and considering the temperatures being around 100-104 every day, I would be surprised if I wasn't craving water!

What I miss: Being able to go from sitting or squatting to standing without causing a contraction or discomfort in my stomach.  I also miss being able to spend a weekend running around like crazy with Mike and not needing an entire day afterwards to recoup and regain a bit of energy! Ugh.  

Medical Updates on Babies: These sweet angel babies are beautifully and wonderfully healthy!  They are on track with the size and weight of one baby in utero at this stage of pregnancy!  I am so proud of them and so thankful to God for allowing my body to grow these healthy babies!  I continue to get contractions every now and then but they're not combined with any other worrying symptoms so I challenge myself to not stress or worry about them.  Since I have been officially diagnosed with an "irritable uterus", I suppose I will continue to get these contractions off and on.  Mike and I just continue to pray that our sweet girls continue to safely grow safely inside me for many weeks to come!
Getting these sweet little girls checked on!  They are already very drama filled! :) 
(July 22nd) 

How is Daddy?:
The hubs was so sweet, caring and calm until after we received the great news that we weren't in pre-term labor because of these contractions!  After we were discharged, I changed and readied to leave while Mike collapsed onto the bed, in very dramatic form, covering himself with the sheet and saying, "this is what you and the girls are already doing to me"! Haha! :)

Other than that... daddy is great! :)  We both are getting so excited!  He has been helping out with everything and anything which is amazing.  He's so patient with me and my absentmindedness and/or hormones! Haha! :) 

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Beaching the Day Away


Please take me back to the beach!  Mike and I went on a short beach getaway a few weeks ago and I am determined to get back there ONE MORE TIME before these sweet angel babies get here! :) I've always loved trips the coast but this one was extra special... we were beaching it for four! :)  Mike and I were so relaxed and stress free! The water was warm, the weather was great and the company was the best! Here are a few snapshots from our first "Family Getaway"! 

Hurray for tan pregnant bellies! 

Our angel babies loved the warmth of the sun (through my big belly, of course) and their mommy and  daddy being able to chill out and relax! :) 

My love, my life... my baby daddy! :) Heehee!

The Crazy Cajun!!!  
I could eat here morning, noon and night while in Port A!  Mike and I are a match made in heaven... He gives me ALL of the shrimp and the crab legs are ALL his! :)