Wednesday, October 14, 2015

36 Weeks... Beautiful Miracles

36 Weeks
What an amazing blessing!!!

How Big Are the Babes?
- Oh my goodness!  We are excited and still in disbelief at their size!  Ms. Mikayla is 5 lbs 11 ounces and Ms. Audrey is 5 lbs 8 ounces!!! :) We have been praying for these sweet girls to be at least 5 lbs at birth for our entire pregnancy, though we realize that this is just an estimated weight, we are elated and find comfort in knowing that they are so very healthy.

Total Weight Gain - 14-15 lbs

Stretch Marks - Shhhhhh.... NO; none as of now!  I'm scared to even say that out loud! :) I continue to lather this big belly with my Avon lotion, Bio Oil, Mustela Lotion, Baby Oil Gel and Bath & Body Works body butter :)  Seriously, every time I'm in the bathroom or walking through our bathroom, I slap one of these products on my belly :)

Belly Button... In or Out - Out.  My belly button 'turkey timer' says that these babies are finished baking! :)

Maternity Clothing - Yes!  I live for leggings these days!  I am officially on bed rest so I am able to wear work-out clothes and t-shirts during the day.  I still throw in my pre-pregnancy shirts, skirts and dresses into my wardrobe but my jeans and leggings are maternity!  

Sleep - With the exception of waking up every 1 1/2 -2 hours to go to the restroom, I sleep pretty well.  I like random afternoon naps... those are the best and I'm very aware that afternoon naps will be nonexistent once the girls get here so I definitely enjoy them now! :)

Best Moments this Past Week - (1) Finding out how big Mikayla and Audrey are | (2) Meal prep and baby prepping with my momma :) | (3) Hitting the 9 month mark (36 weeks) when even our doctors weren't sure if we'd make it to 34 weeks! | (4) Actually booking our delivery date ( OCTOBER 25th)... if they don't decide to come sooner :)

Movement - YES yes YES yes YES yes!  These girls are doing cartwheels, body rolls, kicking each other, all the while kicking me, every day!  They are very active all of the time :)

Cravings - No cravings... I do still LOVE ice cold water and I've actually been wanting to munch on just ice too! :) 

What I Miss - (1) I miss being able to get ready in 10 minutes easily!  Now I can't just "throw on" anything due to the fact that this belly doesn't fit into just anything :) | (2) I miss being able to physically move as quickly too!  I can't even get up from a seated position in one clean swoop! LOL :) | (3) Since it is officially Fall, I am definitely missing a common guilty pleasure of mine around this time of year at Starbucks... Pumpkin Spice Latte! Those seriously taste like "Fall in a cup"!!!  

Medical Updates - These baby girls are doing wonderfully!  As mentioned our girls are pushing 6 lbs! :)  This is wonderful news and a true blessing!  We have prayed for them to be at LEAST 5 lbs to minimize the chance of them needing to go to the NICU and to ensure their health/development.  We can see that both of our sweet girls have beautiful long eyelashes, long hair and plump little lips! :) We have been monitoring their hearts for about 4 weeks now because twins are at a higher risk of congenital heart disease, which was something we were not familiar with, but their little hearts are wonderfully strong.  Both girls are head down... WOOHOO!!!  Baby A is much lower and stretched out but we're still very glad that their heads are both down.  

How is Daddy? - He is absolutely amazing!  He has definitely been my rock!  I am continuously checking on him and trying to get a feel for his stress, worry and anxiety level but he's always cool as a cucumber!!!  I'm pretty sure he is the epitome of a duck right now! :) Haha!  You know... calm and relaxed on the surface but moving and hustling like crazy under the water. :)  He has built and personalized so many different things for the nursery!  I cannot wait to share all that he has done.  He constantly checks on me and wants to do things for me... If only I wasn't so stubborn! :)  I am at the point where I do not have the choice or option to do some things on my own (I.e.: lifting heavy groceries, carrying dirty clothes baskets to the laundry room, reach the bottom of the washing machine to pull out clothes to put in the dryer, vacuum, even driving is uncomfortable at this point) so I'm left with no other option but to ask hubs for help or assistance! O_o LOL! He is ALWAYS touching my tummy and I absolutely love that!  The girls seem to love it to... I swear as soon as his hand is on my tummy they start moving and kicking! :)  It melts my heart :) xoxoxo Thanks to God for a spouse and best friend like him! 

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