Tuesday, March 8, 2016

First Bath ("Catch Up" Series)

Eek!  Mikayla and Audrey's first bath!  Mike and I were excited and nervous!  It was almost two weeks after the girls were born that there belly button fell off and we were therefore now able to bath them.  We began bathing the girls in the sink, and truth be told we are still bathing the girls over the sink, because they were too tiny to even consider bathing them elsewhere.  For some ridiculous reason, Mike and I thought it would be a great idea if we bathed Mikayla and Audrey at the same time.  This was a HORRIBLE idea! LOL
Daddy and Audrey

Mommy and Mikayla

So with two newborn bath sponges, two washcloths, baby hair/body wash, two hooded towels and two VERY nervous parents... we jumped right in! Our sweet baby girls were so wiggly and slippery! LOL!  Mikayla was content and seemed a bit unsure if she liked the whole bath routine or not but was calm anyways.  Audrey, on the other hand, pretty much cried from the beginning to the end of her bath.  Since we washed them at the same time... this had us needing to dry, change and lotion them up at the exact same time!  Not smart. LOL!  These days we have a much more efficient routine. Mike is usually at the sink with the girls bathing them one at a time and hands them off to me in the nursery where I change them into their pajamas and everything else!  

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