Tuesday, July 7, 2015

22 Weeks

These sweet angel babies have made it to 22 weeks without complications, thanks be to God for that! Here are some fun updates:

Total Weight Gain: 7 lbs

Symptoms: Headaches - I have been battling headaches throughout my pregnancy and really try to relieve it by drowning it with water or laying down for a bit; I try to not have to take medicine / Growing Pains - OUCH!  I have been experiencing these, very off and on for about 5 weeks now.  The last time these were extremely uncomfortable, the sweet babes were completely shifting their position which was neat and made sense at the sonogram that followed the growing pain discomfort.  The pains have shown themselves again in the last couple of days and boy can I tell these girls are bigger now! / Insomnia - Yawn... I have never, and I repeat NEVER have had a problem sleeping or napping!  However, this has completely began to change.  I find myself staying up till 5:00am or 6:00am cleaning (nesting), organizing, reading or working on my computer only to still wake up by 9:00am - 10:00am.  I. Am. Tired!

Stretch Marks: None... yet!  :)  I apply lotion/oils 2-3 times a day to aid my skin in its involuntary stretching!  (See photos below of the ones I'm currently switching back and forth with):

Belly Button... Out or In? Half out and Half in! :)  Depending on where these girls are hanging out in there, my belly button looks more out or in! LOL

Maternity Clothing: Although I have enjoyed wearing the pretty and comfy maternity tops that my mom has bought for me, this was the first week I've worn maternity bottoms (Shorts that my older sister bought for me back in June) and they were so comfortable! :) I am still wearing a majority of non-maternity clothing but that's going to quickly change! :)  My little sister bought me a couple of non-maternity tank tops but the way they're cut and fit, I will be able to use them all hot summer long! :) 

Sleep: Please Refer to 'Symptoms'.  I am able to get a good nights rest about 3-4 days out of the week.

Best Moment This Past Week: Movement! :)  I have been praying and begging to feel these sweet girls move and I have finally been able to feel them this week!  Mike can feel the sweet girls too which just makes my heart so happy to see his expression when the kick/push against his hand on my stomach.  

Movement: Yes! Yay! :) I can feel them daily now!  They are still light pushes and kicks but most definitely movement!  It's so neat trying to figure out exactly which baby is moving and what body part is we're feeling. :)

Cravings: None... I'm eating a lot of fruits and vegetables but I typically do this any way and my body naturally craves healthy, light foods... especially during these hot summer months!

What I Miss:  I have just gotten my taste back for coffee and I wish I could have a cup with hazelnut creamer every morning!!!

Medical Updates on Babies: We found out this week that Baby A seems to be breech.  She needs to move within the next 2-3 weeks or she'll lack the room and space to be able to.  If she does not or is not able to do a complete 180, then we will definitely be looking at having to have a c-section.  We have a sonogram scheduled in about 2 weeks so we're praying that Baby A is doing some flips in there! Baby B is looking all good though! :) 

How is Daddy? Mike is so very loving and attentive, even more than usual ;) He is completely calm, cool and collected but I know he has 100 things running through his mind at any given moment.  He continues to pray and support the idea of us making it to 36 weeks, which is great when my confidence falters! 

Also... Happy 4th of July (belated)!  

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