Monday, July 20, 2015

Garage Sale Treasures

Garage sales in Texas... during the month of July... while pregnant seem to lack all appeal!  However, I was feeling extremely optimistic a couple of weekends ago and Mike was, obviously, filling very patient because we ventured out for a few hours to two separate neighborhood garage sales.  Neighborhood garage sales are the way to go if you are looking to go garage sales on any given weekend!  We loaded up on snacks (apple slices and carrots for me | granola bar and peanut M&M's for Mike) and tons of water and headed out!  

Neighborhood garage sale #1... Complete Bust!  It was a HUGE neighborhood that had signs all throughout promoting the grand participation they were going to have and even arrows leading us through the neighbor that eventually led to nowhere!  We ended up seeing nice houses and land for sale that interested us more than weaving our way even further through the neighborhood so we left there and headed to neighborhood garage sale #2.

Neighborhood garage sale #2... Complete Hit!  This neighborhood setup was exactly what one would expect from an entire neighborhood.  At least every other house or two participated and every house had a wide range of children's items or large furniture items.  I really didn't have anything particularly in mind to buy but thought that if I could take a look at baby clothes and found anything in great shape than that would be fantastic.  I have said since the beginning of our pregnancy that I was NOT going to purchase any new clothing until after our baby shower so then I could see what/if I needed anything.  That being said, I am very aware that I will need an excessive amount of clothing since they'll go through clothes/changings like crazy throughout any given day.  For this reason I wanted to start stocking up on our basic onesie collection.  I am particularly picky about wanting clothing without stains or ones that don't look too worn.. as I'm sure that our sweet angel babies will work their own magic on breaking in the clothing with stains and such. :) 

Sooooo... I seem to have found a few things that I liked! :)  We totally hit the jackpot!  We found over 50 onesies, pants and outfits!  I also found a couple of older wooden toys which I really favor because I like the nostalgic feel of them. :) Throw in a tummy time mat, new/un-used crib sheets (great as backups) and a couple pairs of shiny/glittery infant shoes and that was the majority of our haul! 

My BEST BUYS, however, were:

1. Dr. Brown Bottles: One mom was selling 6 brand new, never been used Dr. Brown bottles ranging in size from 4 oz - 8 oz and sold them to us for $5... for ALL 6!  Theses bottles typically cost between $15.00 - $20.00, depending on where you purchase them.  That was just a ridiculous deal! :)

2. Summer Swaddle Wrapsacks: These usually run about $15.00 - $25.00 each, depending on where you purchase them, and we bought 3 for no more than $2.00!  Two of them had never been used! 

I would, most definitely, consider that a successful adventure! :)  "The girls" totally hung in there, with the summer heat and all!  I have to admit that it was because of them that we probably received the awesome deals that we did.  Sellers would ask how far along we were and if we knew that gender to which we replied, "Just over 5 months and THEY'RE girls"! :)  It was usually at this point that we'd discuss price and I think most people just felt "sorry for us" or knew the adventures that awaited us and gave us splendid deals!  :)  Thank you angel babies for getting mom and dad great deals! :)

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